Friday, August 29, 2008

Trying to get the best images up

I think the detail is being lost when I compress the pictures. What do you think?

A friend of mine suggested I use this blog to share my art since I've not gotten myself together to make a website. This is easy so I think this is going to be it for a while. I won't be writing much but I'll put up pictures of new and old work along with messages about new shows. I'd love comments on the art, the blog, whatever.
I'll get it updated soon but of course there's all that art to be made and all that TV to be watched. Charron

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are these images too small?

Here's one of my newest photos. This piece is in the show in Hillsborough at Cup a Joe, through September 2008. Thanks. Charron

I'm trying out this blog to see if it works as a way to show my art to new and old friends. Let me know what you think. Thanks. Charron

Look Lucinda! Tell me what you think.